Category Art

Posts: 3

Check Out the New Art in Licton Springs!

Next time you're walking around the neighborhood, take a stroll down 92nd and 100th between Fremont and Wallingford to see all sorts of art exhibits!

We had a chance to check out, "One Time, One Meeting: A Community Shrine” by Erin Shigaki. The wooden placards bear words of hope and contemplation by and for the community during the global pandemic.

Have you had a chance to see these art pieces in Licton Springs? Share a photo below!

Seattle Art Interruptions by Seattle Department of Transportation 1% for Art funds & Office of Arts & Culture


More Art in Licton Springs

You may already be familar with the Light Bulb Bench and Big Tesla located around the Seattle City Light North Service Center building but earlier this month, two new art works were dedicated by Seattle City Light and the City of Seattle Arts & Culture.

The two pieces “Undulating Currents” and “Licton Flow”, located on N 97th St, were created by renowned artist W. Scott Trimble and commissioned with the City Light 1% for Art funds administered by the Seattle Office of Arts & Culture.

Seattle City Light 2019: W. Scott Trimble

Seattle City Light Art

Be sure to take a stroll through the Seattle City Light North Service Center building to see additional artwork inside.

Have you seen any other public art in Licton Springs? Let us know in the comments.


Big Tesla: where nature and technology meet

Right to the northwest of Licton Springs park at the Seattle City Light North Service Center lies a beautiful art piece by Merrily Tompkins. The art not only serves as a sign of nicer weather, as flowers bloom from Tesla's head but also serves as a great reminder that technology and nature can coexist in harmony. In a way, it's the perfect Seattle art piece, a city nestled in some of the most profoundly beautiful natural environments while leading the way in our technological future.

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Next time you walk from Licton Springs Park to the Oak Tree Plaza, take some time to enjoy this unique and creative piece of art.
