Category Events

Posts: 41

April Community Resources & Connections

Every month, we share the upcoming community events in Licton Springs. Given the current environment, most meetings have been postponed or moved virtually. You can check out the meetings still happening below. This month, we'd like to share a few resources out.

Community Engagement Events:

  • Tuesday, April 7th - Mineral Springs Park Community Meeting, 6:30PM-8PM, Phone Conference Call, Dial (425) 436-6353, when asked enter 824120#

  • Wednesday, April 15th @ 6:30PM-8:30PM, Licton Springs Community Council Meeting, Zoom
    Note: Later date due to meeting space availability

Did we miss something? Let us know in the comments below or by emailing us at [email protected]


March into Spring with Licton Springs Events

Community Engagement Events:

  • Wednesday, March 4th @ 6-8PM, Open House Discussion on Proposed Location for Fire Station 31, North Seattle College (College Center Building, Room 1161, 9600 College Way N. in Seattle
    Together, the Seattle Fire Department (SFD) and the City’s Department of Finance and Administrative Services (FAS) have identified a preferred permanent site for the new Fire Station 31 at 11302 Meridian Ave. N. The existing Fire Station 31 building at 1319 N. Northgate Way no longer meets SFD’s operational needs and your input is needed regarding the placement of the permanent fire station as well as an interim site at 11503 Interlake Ave. N. Attend an open house to learn about the proposed permanent and interim locations and share input. A brief formal presentation will occur at 6:45 p.m. Free parking is available on the north and south lots and bus and transit options are available. To request childcare, interpretation or ADA accommodation services, please contact [email protected]. If you are unable to attend the public meeting and would like to share your thoughts, comments from the public are welcome via email at [email protected] through March 18. If you need this information translated or in alternative formats, visit

  • Thursday, March 12th @ 7PM-830PM, Cancelled: ALUV Monthly Meeting, Epic Life Church

  • Saturday, March 14th @ 10AM-2PM, Licton Springs Park Work Party, Licton Springs Park
    Join FRIENDS OF LICTON SPRINGS for our monthly work party.

  • Wednesday, March 25th @ 6:30PM-8:30PM, Licton Springs Community Council Meeting, Cascadia Elementary School
    Note: Later date due to meeting space availability

To stay up to date on other activities coming up, check out LoveLicton's calendar.

Hope to see you at an upcoming event! Did we miss something? Let us know in the comments below or by emailing us at [email protected]


Feb 2020 Events in Licton Springs

Community Engagement Events:

  • Wednesday, February 5th @ 2-3PM, Northgate Ped/Bike Bridge Groundbreaking, Northgate Station Garage
    The Northgate Ped/Bike Bridge is approaching a major milestone, please join in the celebration! CM Juarez is hosting a groundbreaking event to commemorate construction and to recognize all those who have made this project possible. At the event, you’ll hear from Seattle Department of Transportation Director Sam Zimbabwe, Sound Transit CEO Peter Rogoff, representatives from Washington State Department of Transportation, and key community groups.

  • Wednesday, February 5th @ 7PM-830PM, North Precinct Advisory Council, Northhaven Senior Housing
    This meeting is devoted to promoting partnerships and information sharing between citizens and law enforcement and justice agencies to effectively address public safety issues.

  • Saturday, February 8th @ 10AM-2PM, Licton Springs Park Work Party, Licton Springs Park
    Join FRIENDS OF LICTON SPRINGS for our monthly work party.

  • Thursday, February 13th @ 7PM-830PM, ALUV Monthly Meeting, Epic Life Church
    Guest speaker this month is Mark Mendez Lake City’s mural mastermind. A continued goal for ALUV is community building and vibrancy through art and Mark has a wealth of knowledge that he will share.

  • Wednesday, February 26th @ 6:30PM-8:30PM, Licton Springs Community Council Meeting, Cascadia Elementary School

To stay up to date on other activities coming up, check out LoveLicton's calendar.

Hope to see you at an upcoming event! Did we miss something? Let us know in the comments below or by emailing us at [email protected]


Happy New Year! Celebrate with Licton Springs Jan 2020 Events

Community Engagement Events:

  • Tuesday, January 7th @ 12-1:30PM, Northgate Bridge Construction Drop In Discussion, North Seattle College (The Grove)
    Attend a session and learn about how this project will connect communities on the east and west sides of I-5 in north Seattle, review information at your own speed and get one-on-on engagement from project experts, learn about the project schedule and what to expect during construction

  • Thursday, January 9th @ 7PM-830PM, ALUV Monthly Meeting, Epic Life Church

  • Saturday, January 11th @ 10AM-2PM, Licton Springs Park Work Party, Licton Springs Park
    Join FRIENDS OF LICTON SPRINGS for our monthly work party.

  • Wednesday, January 22nd @ 6:30PM-8:30PM, Rescheduled Licton Springs Community Council Meeting, Cascadia Elementary School
    Rescheduled from 1/15.

  • Monday, January 20th @ 9AM-noon, MLK Day of Service Tree Planting Party in Licton Springs, 85th & Meridian
    Come help us plant some new green in the neighborhood! Volunteers have been working at this site for the past couple of years to remove blackberry that was blanketing this site. Now we are ready to replace these with trees that will grow and benefit the entire neighborhood. Join us! Tool and gloves provided, no experience necessary. RSVP here: or email [email protected]

To stay up to date on other activities coming up, check out LoveLicton's calendar.

Hope to see you at an upcoming event! Did we miss something? Let us know in the comments below or by emailing us at [email protected]


December 2019 Community Events

Social Events:

  • Saturday, December 21st, Tis the Season Holiday Card Making & Donation Drive, 1PM-4PM, Mineral Springs Park
    Come join us at Mineral Springs Park on Saturday, December 21st from 1PM to 4PM for a FREE holiday event including music, holiday card-making activities, festive games, hot beverages and snacks. Bring winter clothing items for donation to Aurora Commons. Musical Performances By: Seattle Sugarplum Elves from 1:30PM-2:30PM, The High Class Brass from 2:30PM-3:30PM. All are welcome! Event will be rain or shine!

Tis The Season Mineral Springs Park Event 2019

Community Engagement Events:

  • Wednesday, December 4th @ 7-8:30PM, SPD North Precinct Advisory Council, Northaven Senior Housing, Harbor Room
    Informal networking with law enforcement and community members follows the Captain’s precinct update as time permits.

  • Saturday, December 7th @ 10AM, Licton Lights, Licton Springs Park
    Please visit Licton Springs Park to enjoy the holiday lights between 12.7.19 and 1.11.20. Lights will be on from 4:30-10:00 daily. We will string lights on Saturday 12.7.19 at 10 AM. Come out to help or donate LED lights.

  • Thursday, December 12th @ 7PM, ALUV Monthly Meeting, Lantern Brewing
    Join us as we celebrate our WINS for 2019, including 1) installation of art on pedestrian bridge 2) D5 Rising neighbor award 3) $150,000 in the 2020 budget for a community center feasibility study.

  • Saturday, December 14th @ 10AM-2PM, Friends of Licton Springs Park Clean Up, Licton Springs Park
    Join FRIENDS OF LICTON SPRINGS for our monthly work party.

Annual Sock Drive for North Precinct

Please note there is no Licton Springs Community Council meeting in December.

To stay up to date on other activities coming up, check out LoveLicton's calendar.

Hope to see you at an upcoming event! Did we miss something? Let us know in the comments below or by emailing us at [email protected]
