Love Licton

The Licton Springs Blog

Happy Holidays!

Hi Neighbors!

We wanted to share with you some of the holiday cheer we saw on display around Licton Springs.

Many houses in the neighborhood have impressive light displays:

House 1 House 2 House 3 House 4 House 5

Businesses along North Aurora (Nora) are also lit up nicely this year as icicles line the business fronts:

Icicle lights line business fronts All along Nora the lights can be seen Oak Tree Plaza has lights lining the roofs of businesses

In nearby Greenwood, the tradition of placing playful monkeys in business windows for zoo lights continues:

Monkeys 1 Monkeys 2 Monkeys 3

Over in Olympic Manor, it appears more houses are decorated than are not:

Olympic Manor House 1 Olympic Manor House 2 Olympic Manor House 3 Olympic Manor House 4 Olympic Manor House 5

Finally, in Maple Leaf we enjoyed seeing this light display in-sync with music:

Maple Leaf Lights

If you want to go see some holiday lights for yourself this season, here are some of our favorite public installations nearby:

Did we miss anything? What is your favorite house or public light installation? Let us know in the comments below!

Happy Holidays!


Holiday Events Brighten Licton Springs

Thank you to everyone that came out Saturday and helped make Licton Spring's holiday a little brighter! Whether you helped put lights up at Licton Springs park or made crafts and enjoyed music with us at Mineral Springs Park, you are part of what makes this neighborhood such a great place to call home. Here are some of our favorite memories from this year's holiday events:

Stringing Lights

Neighbors get up early to string lights up at Licton Springs Park

Event Attendees

Neighbors and friends gather at Mineral Springs park to enjoy hot cocoa, Jones Soda, and snacks while working on crafts and enjoying local musicians

Seattle Sugarplum Elves put on a great performance, drawing in the crowd.

Randy from the Parks Department, who has done so much to enable Mineral Springs Park improvements, gets pulled into the Seattle Sugar Plum Elves' performance.

Hugh Sutton

Musician Hugh Sutton plays a variety of songs that engage the kids, including Star Wars tracks!

Jones Soda

Beyond hot cocoa and cookies, attendees enjoyed a wide variety of soda donated by Jones Soda.


Raffle tickets are handed out to everyone that donated clothing or canned goods for Aurora Commons.


Kids put together custom holiday cards at the craft table.

Dog 1 Dog 2 Dog 3

Neighborhood dogs said hello during the festivities.

Tree fell

All of this the day after a large tree fell down in the park due to a wind storm!

Lights 1 Lights 2 Lights 3 Lights 4

Finally, we ended the night with a beautifully lit Licton Springs Park.

Hope you have a great holiday season!


TODAY: Tis the Season: Card Making & Holiday Drive

Our FREE holiday event at Mineral Springs Park is today 1-4PM. Come join us at Mineral Springs Park, 1500 N 105th St, for a free holiday event including music, holiday card-making activities, festive games, hot beverages and snacks. Food and clothing items will be collected for Aurora Commons. All are welcome!

Tis The Season Event Poster

Hope to see you there!


Tis The Season: December Community Events

Come celebrate the holiday season with friends and neighbors at our upcoming events in Mineral Springs Park & Licton Springs Park!

LoveLicton Sponsored Events:

  • Saturday, December 15th, @ 1PM-4PM, Card Making & Holiday Drive, Mineral Springs Park, 1500 N 105th St
    Come join us at Mineral Springs Park on Saturday, December 15th from 1PM to 4PM for a FREE holiday event including music, holiday card-making activities, festive games, hot beverages and snacks. Food and clothing items will be collected for local non-profits. All are welcome!

Tis The Season Event Poster

Community Engagement Events:

  • Sunday, December 2nd, @ 10AM-2PM, Help Mulch for Oak Tree Village Art Installation, Oak Tree Village, 10002 Aurora Ave N
    Mulch has been donated to cover the bulbs we planted at the Oak Tree Village pedestrian overpass. Need some hands to help spread. BYOR (bring your own rake).
  • Wednesday, December 5th @ 7PM, SPD North Precinct Advisory Council, Cascadia Elementary School’s library 1700 N 90th St
    At the December meeting, there will be the usual 5 minute reports and the Captain's report, but instead of a guest speaker we will have a social and poster session where attendees can list neighborhood public safety concerns and successes. Please consider bringing a holiday snack to share! Coffee will be provided.
  • Saturday, December 8th @ 10AM, Friends of Licton Springs Park Clean Up, Licton Springs Park
    Join FRIENDS OF LICTON SPRINGS for the last work party of 2018. We have over 100 new plants to place in the ground. Come join us!
  • Sunday, December 9th @ 10AM, 4th Annual Haller Lake Craft Fair to benefit Mary’s Place, Haller Lake Community Club, 12579 Densmore Ave N
    Come to the 4th Annual Haller Lake Craft Fair for holiday shopping and entertainment! $2 suggested donation to Mary's Place.
  • Thursday, December 13th @ 7PM, ALUV Monthly Meeting, Epic Life Church 10510 Stone Ave N
    ALUV stands for Aurora Licton Urban Village and seeks to build a pedestrian-safe, visually vibrant, economically sound, livable, and welcoming urban village using sustainable-growth principles.
  • Saturday, December 15th, @ 10AM, Licton Lights, Licton Springs Park
    We'll be doing Licton Lights again this holiday season to light up Licton Springs park! We could use some help morning of Dec. 15 10 AM at the park. Rumors that there might be cookies.
  • Monday, December 17th, @ 6:30PM, Northgate Early Design Guidance Meeting, Good Shepherd Center, 4649 Sunnyside Ave N, Room 202
    Design Review Early Design Guidance for 4, 6 to 8-story buildings with 1,164 apartments, 25 live-work units, and retail. Parking for 1,346 vehicles proposed. Existing structures to be demolished.

To stay up to date on other activities coming up, check out LoveLicton's calendar.

Hope to see you at an upcoming event! Did we miss something? Let us know in the comments below!


Open Source Meetup Tonight 6PM

Join us tonight at North Seattle College, for our first ever Open Source development meetup:

OpenSource Event

There will be free food and coffee (from Pilgrim Coffeehouse!).

Hope to see some of you there!

