Love Licton

The Licton Springs Blog

Funding Secured for ALUV Community Center Feasibility Study!

Earlier this year, we wrote about the need for an Aurora-Licton community center. We are happy to report that $150,000 was granted for an Aurora/Licton Springs Community Center feasibility study as part of the Seattle 2020 City Budget.

You can join ALUV in celebrating this win (along with many others) on Thursday, December 12th from 7PM to 8:30PM at Lantern Brewing. Find the Facebook event here.


December 2019 Community Events

Social Events:

  • Saturday, December 21st, Tis the Season Holiday Card Making & Donation Drive, 1PM-4PM, Mineral Springs Park
    Come join us at Mineral Springs Park on Saturday, December 21st from 1PM to 4PM for a FREE holiday event including music, holiday card-making activities, festive games, hot beverages and snacks. Bring winter clothing items for donation to Aurora Commons. Musical Performances By: Seattle Sugarplum Elves from 1:30PM-2:30PM, The High Class Brass from 2:30PM-3:30PM. All are welcome! Event will be rain or shine!

Tis The Season Mineral Springs Park Event 2019

Community Engagement Events:

  • Wednesday, December 4th @ 7-8:30PM, SPD North Precinct Advisory Council, Northaven Senior Housing, Harbor Room
    Informal networking with law enforcement and community members follows the Captain’s precinct update as time permits.

  • Saturday, December 7th @ 10AM, Licton Lights, Licton Springs Park
    Please visit Licton Springs Park to enjoy the holiday lights between 12.7.19 and 1.11.20. Lights will be on from 4:30-10:00 daily. We will string lights on Saturday 12.7.19 at 10 AM. Come out to help or donate LED lights.

  • Thursday, December 12th @ 7PM, ALUV Monthly Meeting, Lantern Brewing
    Join us as we celebrate our WINS for 2019, including 1) installation of art on pedestrian bridge 2) D5 Rising neighbor award 3) $150,000 in the 2020 budget for a community center feasibility study.

  • Saturday, December 14th @ 10AM-2PM, Friends of Licton Springs Park Clean Up, Licton Springs Park
    Join FRIENDS OF LICTON SPRINGS for our monthly work party.

Annual Sock Drive for North Precinct

Please note there is no Licton Springs Community Council meeting in December.

To stay up to date on other activities coming up, check out LoveLicton's calendar.

Hope to see you at an upcoming event! Did we miss something? Let us know in the comments below or by emailing us at [email protected]


More Art in Licton Springs

You may already be familar with the Light Bulb Bench and Big Tesla located around the Seattle City Light North Service Center building but earlier this month, two new art works were dedicated by Seattle City Light and the City of Seattle Arts & Culture.

The two pieces “Undulating Currents” and “Licton Flow”, located on N 97th St, were created by renowned artist W. Scott Trimble and commissioned with the City Light 1% for Art funds administered by the Seattle Office of Arts & Culture.

Seattle City Light 2019: W. Scott Trimble

Seattle City Light Art

Be sure to take a stroll through the Seattle City Light North Service Center building to see additional artwork inside.

Have you seen any other public art in Licton Springs? Let us know in the comments.


Licton Springs Community Council Wants Your Input!


The Licton Springs Community Council has created a neighborhood survey to hear what issues are of most concern to people in the Licton Springs neighborhood. You can fill out the survey anonymously or include your email if you would like to be entered into the raffle or added to the neighborhood listserv.

Thank you to Salt Blade for generously donating the prize to support Licton Springs!

You can find the survey here. Please respond by January 6, 2020.
