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Outdoor Movie Night and Dog Pawty TONIGHT at 6PM

The FREE Outdoor Movie Night and Dog Pawty is TONIGHT!

Outdoor Movie and Dog Pawty!

Rain or shine the show must go on! We will have tents up in case of rain and encourage attendees to bring a rain jacket and lawn chair and/or blanket.

The event is being held at Mineral Springs Park:

There will be FREE drinks, popcorn, & snacks provided by our sponsors! Vendors and dog contests being at 6:00 PM and Isle of Dogs is planned to start at 7:30 PM.

Isle of Dogs FREE movie

There is still time to sign up your dog for one of the contests: "Best Dog Trick", "Best Dog Costume", and "Miss/Mr. Congeniality" here and there will be a chance to sign up in person at the event as well.

Many thanks to our sponsors for helping make this event possible!

Hope to see you there!


Happening now: Licton Springs PPatch 5th Anniversary

REMINDER: Licton Springs PPatch 5th anniversary is happening NOW until 3PM

P-Patch 5th Anniversary Party!

Join neighbors at the P-Patch (92nd and Meridian - the south edge of North Seattle College campus):


  • Demonstrations and Q&A
  • Bishop Blanchet Beekeepers
  • North Seattle College Botany Class Pollinator Garden
  • Kiss Activities
  • Potluck
  • Recipes From the Garden


Fall Into This Month's Community Events

Wow! Summer flew by but not to worry, we have some great community events happening this month before it's time for rain jackets, corn mazes, and pumpkin spice lattes.

Social Events

Community Events

There are lots of ways to connect with your neighbors. To stay up to date, check out LoveLicton's calendar! Hope to see you there!

Did we miss an event? Let us know in the comments below!


Night Out Success!

Thank you to everyone that came out across Licton Springs to meet with your neighbors and make 2018 another great success! Across the Licton Springs area, hundreds of neighbors got to know each other across over seven block parties.

Packed! Packed! Bubble Man Community Board Emergency Preperation Board

Many community resources were shared at these block parties, including:

  • Smart 911 - A way to add the information you want responders to know in case of an emergency before one happens.
  • Alert Seattle - The official emergency notification system used by the City of Seattle to communicate with city residents during emergencies.
  • Block Watch - Instructions on how to start an officially recognized neighborhood block watch.
  • Emergency Event Calendar - Upcoming events that teach crucial skills needed in the case of an emergency.
  • Emergency Hubs - A map of all the nearby emergency hubs to meet at after an emergency strikes.
  • Licton Springs Community Calendar - A shared calendar for all the events happening across the Licton Springs area.

Here's to hoping the community connections made at Night Out continue to grow over the next year!


Night Out is TODAY!

Reminder: TONIGHT all across Licton Springs and Seattle is Night Out! Come together with your neighbors for good food, activities, and conversation! Below is a map of all the publically listed night outs in the Licton Springs area:

If your direct area isn't getting together, the Densmore Block Watch Barbecue is open to the entire neighborhood and is holding its night out at Licton Spring Park. Densmore Block Watch Barbecue

Click here for a map of all the Night Out celebrations being held accross Seattle.

Did we miss your Night Out celebration? Let us know in a comment below!
