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Join Neighbors to Reclaim and Restore our Urban Forest

Trees Reaching

This Saturday be part of a community effort to restore a forgotten neighborhood greenspace! Trees for Seattle needs our help to continue their work with the community to reclaim our forgotten greenspace by spreading mulch and removing blackberry. The weather looks excellent for the event, but please don’t forget to wear long pants, sturdy shoes, and appropriate layers to keep you warm and dry. Make sure you bring your rain gear just in case - we will work rain or shine!

When: Saturday, March 23rd, 2019; 9:00am – 12:00pm

Where: Look for the event on the northeast corner of N 85th St and Meridian Ave N.

What: Blackberry removal, spreading mulch and freeing trees!

Where to park/how to get there: Near the bus stop for the 45, 355, and 994. There is street parking in the neighborhood where we are working, and Bishop Blanchet, the high school directly across the street, has generously opened their parking lot our volunteers, which can be accessed from 82nd Street. The school will also be hosting a sports event, so there may be limited spots. Please use the crosswalk at 85th and Wallingford to safely cross 85th Street. Trees for Seattle should be easy to spot - the group with hot coffee and lots of shovels!

At the event, there will be coffee, water, light snacks, tools, gloves and instructions for everyone.

Together we can improve our neighborhood greenspace!



LoveLicton.com Celebrates One Year

One year ago today, with a simple post highlighting the beauty of the Licton Springs park as spring came into view, my wife and I started Licton Spring's first community blog; LoveLicton.com. Since that time we've met so many wonderful neighbors and inspiring community groups. We've helped to host countless events, and joined all of you to fight for causes important for our neighborhood. We couldn't feel more lucky to be a part of this community and hope to continue to do our part to keep it a great place to live.

We hope this is the first of many years!

You're neighbors,

~Timothy and Amanda Crosley


March Community Happenings

LoveLicton Sponsored Events:

Be part of a community effort to restore a forgotten neighborhood greenspace! We will mulch in areas that volunteers have already removed blackberries and continue to reclaim space and free trees from aggressive weeds.

Trees 4 Seattle Helpers

Social Events:

  • Sunday, March 3rd, @ 2PM-4PM, Fastelavn: A Danish Carnival in Seattle, Northwest Danish Association, 1833 N 105th St ($10 entry free for non-members)
    Fastelavn is a Danish carnival for kids! Come celebrate this Danish tradition with us in Seattle. Costumes are encouraged!
  • Saturday, March 9, @ 12PM-4PM, Greater Seattle Linux User Group,North Seattle College, Education Building, Room 1840A
    Meet with other Linux users in the area.
  • Monday, March 11, @ 6PM-8PM, North Seattle Tech Talks: Surviving Technical Interviews, North Seattle College, 9600 College Way North, Room CC1161
    We'll be talking about how to survive – and thrive – in the software development interview process, including tips and tricks for answering both behavioral and technical interview questions.
  • Friday, March 22, @ 7PM-8:3PM 1st Annual Continuing Education Writers Salon
    1st Annual CE Writers Salon where the Juror Award Winners from our CE Writers Contest will have the opportunity to read their work. All are welcome to this event. Drinks and snacks will be served.

Community Engagement Events:

  • Tuesday, March 5th, @ 6PM-7PM, March Mineral Springs Park Community Meeting, Meridian Center for Health
    Discuss Mineral Springs Park events, work parties, and community engagement.
  • Wednesday, March 6th, @ 7PM-8:30PM, SPD North Precinct Advisory Council, Cascadia Elementary School’s library, 1700 N 90th St.
    Questions and informal networking with law enforcement and community members follows the agenda for about 15 minutes. NPAC meetings are open to the public and people concerned about public safety are encouraged to attend.
  • Saturday, March 9th @ 10AM, Friends of Licton Springs Park Clean Up,
    Licton Springs Park Join FRIENDS OF LICTON SPRINGS for our monthly work party.
  • Thursday, March 14th @ 7PM, ALUV Monthly Meeting, Epic Life Church 10510 Stone Ave N
    ALUV stands for Aurora Licton Urban Village and seeks to build a pedestrian-safe, visually vibrant, economically sound, livable, and welcoming urban village using sustainable-growth principles.
  • Wednesday, March 20th @ 6:30PM, Licton Springs Community Council Monthly Meeting, Meridian Center for Health
    Licton Springs Community Council Meetings are held the third Wednesday of the month at 6:30pm at Meridian Center for Health (10521 Meridian Ave N, Seattle, WA 98133).

To stay up to date on other activities coming up, check out LoveLicton's calendar.

Hope to see you at an upcoming event! Did we miss something? Let us know in the comments below or by emailing us at [email protected]


February Community Happenings

LoveLicton Sponsored Events:

Open Source Hackathon!

Open Source Hackathon meetups provide an opportunity to work with others on Open Source Projects. All contributions, from code to graphic design and documentation are welcome. If you’ve always wanted to get involved in Open Source or work on projects with other developers in the community this is a great way to start! Free and open to all skill levels and experience. Food, coffee, and expert advice provided free.

Social Events:

  • Saturday, February 9th @ 12-4PM, Greater Seattle Linux User Group, North Seattle College, Education Building, Room 1840A
    GSLUG is a community of people in the Seattle area who share an interest in Linux and open source software. Everyone is welcome, whether you’ve never used Linux before or you’re a seasoned kernel developer. Come join us the 2nd Saturday of each month to learn and share!

Community Engagement Events:

  • Tuesday, February 5th, @ 6PM-7PM, February Mineral Springs Park Community Meeting, Meridian Center for Health
    Discuss Mineral Springs Park events, work parties, and community engagement.
  • Wednesday, February 6th, @ 7PM-8:30PM, SPD North Precinct Advisory Council, Cascadia Elementary School’s library, 1700 N 90th St.
    Questions and informal networking with law enforcement and community members follows the agenda for about 15 minutes. NPAC meetings are open to the public and people concerned about public safety are encouraged to attend.
  • Saturday, February 9th @ 10AM, Friends of Licton Springs Park Clean Up,
    Licton Springs Park Join FRIENDS OF LICTON SPRINGS for our monthly work party.
  • Saturday, February 9th @ 11AM, 8547 Midvale Ave N, On Site Design Review
    Northwest Builders Finance and JW Architects are collaborating to design the redevelopment of 8547 Midvale Ave N. To give feedback attend this drop-in session or take the 8547 online survey before February 15.
  • Saturday, February 9th @ 11AM, 8551 Midvale Ave N, On Site Design Review
    Northwest Builders Finance and JW Architects are collaborating to design the redevelopment of 8551 Midvale Ave N. To give feedback attend this drop-in session or take the 8551 online survey before February 15.
  • Thursday, February 14th @ 7PM, ALUV Monthly Meeting, Epic Life Church 10510 Stone Ave N
    ALUV stands for Aurora Licton Urban Village and seeks to build a pedestrian-safe, visually vibrant, economically sound, livable, and welcoming urban village using sustainable-growth principles.
  • Wednesday, February 20th @ 6:30PM, Licton Springs Community Council Monthly Meeting, Meridian Center for Health
    Licton Springs Community Council Meetings are held the third Wednesday of the month at 6:30pm at Meridian Center for Health (10521 Meridian Ave N, Seattle, WA 98133).

To stay up to date on other activities coming up, check out LoveLicton's calendar.

Hope to see you at an upcoming event! Did we miss something? Let us know in the comments below or by emailing us at [email protected]
